Our customer service team is available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00. You can either send us a message via our contact form or reach us by phone at the following number: 0202 / 551199 - 8848.
Please note that there may be restrictions on our telephone availability on the following holidays:
Neujahr - Fr, 01.01.2021
Karfreitag - Fr, 02.04.2021
Ostermontag - Mo, 05.04.2021
Christi Himmelfahrt - Do, 13.05.2021
Pfingstmontag - Mo, 24.05.2021
Fronleichnam - Do, 03.06.2021
Allerheiligen - Mo, 01.11.2021
Heiligabend - Fr, 24.12.2021
Silvester - Fr, 31.12.2021